One in four police applicants are unfit | Scotland

One in four police applicants are unfit | Scotland
One in four police applicants are unfit | Scotland

Police Scotland was urged to assist new recruits slim down slightly than blocking entry to the obese because it emerged that one quarter of candidates had been rejected for failing health assessments in a 12 months.

Between April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021, 358 candidates to Police Scotland’s common constabulary failed to satisfy the usual of health required.

That is nicely up on the earlier 12 months when 196 candidates had been rejected as a result of they fell wanting the nationwide customary. There are not any obligatory health assessments for serving cops in Scotland, not like in England, the place they grew to become obligatory in September 2014. However, Police Scotland probationer officers bear health assessments all through their two-year probation. The figures revealed that 44 probationary officers failed the health take a look at within the

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About the Author: Adrian

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