Arrangements For Nutrition Week Completed

Arrangements For Nutrition Week Completed
Arrangements For Nutrition Week Completed

NAROWAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 4th Dec, 2022 ) :All preparations have been accomplished for the Nutrition Week being noticed from December 5 to 10 within the district.

This was said by District Coordinator for National Programme Dr Naveed Haider right here on Sunday.

District Coordinator Dr Naveed Haider stated that 996 woman well being employees, 47 woman well being supervisors and school well being diet supervisors had been collaborating within the diet week marketing campaign.

During the week, woman well being employees would conduct door-to-door screening of kids below 5 years of age, pregnant women, breast feeding moms and teenage ladies, moreover conducting seminars at faculties and neighborhood ranges.

Dr Naveed Haider stated that below the management of CEO Health Dr Khalid Javed, the targetof Nutrition Week could be achieved in any cost.

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About the Author: Adrian

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