Reacher-star Alan Ritchson uses an unusual fitness tracker – I think I know why

Reacher-star Alan Ritchson uses an unusual fitness tracker – I think I know why
Reacher-star Alan Ritchson uses an unusual fitness tracker – I think I know why

You can say I’ve a considerably unhealthy obsession with buff Hollywood actors. I are likely to overanalyse the social media posts of the likes of Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth, and because the mega-successful re-launch of the Reacher collection on Amazon Prime Video, I added Alan Ritchson to the ever-expanding record of health celebrities I maintain a eager eye on. And on certainly one of his Instagram posts, I noticed one thing peculiar: a health tracker. But not the one you’d anticipate.

It’s not like actors who’re into health do not put on fitness watches – you will typically spot an Apple Watch on exercise movies of stars whereas Henry Cavill prefers Polar watches to track his runs and exercises. In some instances, you would possibly even see a Fitbit or a Garmin right here and there.

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About the Author: Adrian

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