Does eating celery really burn more calories than it contains?

Does eating celery really burn more calories than it contains?
Does eating celery really burn more calories than it contains?

There is a persistent declare that consuming celery burns extra energy than it accommodates, however the reality is a bit more difficult, writes James Wong


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19 May 2021

Shutterstock/Alfredo Maiquez

IN OUR world of fixed data bombardment, there are such a lot of conflicting claims about food on the market that it could usually be onerous to sift reality from fiction. Sometimes you hear an concept being proclaimed as incontrovertible reality nearly as usually as you hear the very same one being resoundingly debunked by scientists.

Yet relating to a subject as complicated as food regimen, may this usually be as a result of each claims have some advantage relying on the context? I feel taking a look at one long-enduring weight-reduction plan perception – that you simply burn extra energy digesting celery than it accommodates …

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